​Pine Meadow Horse Rescue & Community Alliance

Savannah Waddick
My name is Savannah Waddick , I am a freshman that goes to Center Grove Highschool. I have just recently started volunteering at Pine Meadows Horse and Rescue. I am looking to be a veterinarian or a vet technician, so my mom thought it would be a good idea to volunteer here. Turns out Mrs. Vicky was going to create a program based on what I was looking to do here! I have been volunteering every other Saturday with a new friend I met that also volunteers there, Lauren Brown. I have been working alot with Johnathan and Mr. Winston, Mr Winston is personally my favorite because he is so sweet. I have also worked with Chance also known as " Second Chance," because she is blind. She is definately a close second to being one of my favorites. At Pine Meadows I have brushed the horses, walked them over obstacles, and just walked them around the barn. When I walk them I work on stopping, backing up and turning them around. I also work on things that don't involve the horses. That includes ; feeding them in the mornings, feeding them treats, filling water buckets, filling hay bags, gathering eggs ( from the chickens ), and sweeping the barn. I am also starting to learn how to do health checks on the horses because I am thinking about being a veterinarian or vet technician. Come drop by and see the horses and what I do!!